Criminal Activty

Crime as a Business Owner

Business owners are allowed to commit crime, depending on the type of business and the severity of your crimes may result in the loss of your business. Some businesses are created with the intention of committing crime (illegal gamba, drug sales, money cleaning, etc) as their main means of income, these businesses will face the same repercussions as normal businesses if the frequency or severity of the crimes committed are high.

What happens to the business?

In the case of a business owner losing their business, it will either be put up for auction so another person has a chance to run it the proper way, or it will be shut down completely. If a business is completely shut down, one similar in nature can be proposed and if passed, brought into the city.

Businesses based on crime (illegal gambling, illegal items, etc) will most likely get moved to a new location and a new owner assigned.

Last updated